Episode 5 – Multi-Careed Superwoman – Allie Phillips

allie phillipsToday’s Guest: Allie Phillips (attorney, teacher, crystal master, essential oil guru, reiki master, lover of all animals and SO MUCH MORE!)

Join us on an adventure as we interview Allie Phillips, owner of Manifested Harmony and


Allie Phillips is a unique blend of attorney and holistic energy business owner. She is a former prosecuting attorney who has spent most of her 26+year career training criminal justice professionals all over the world, has written over 50 legal publications, and is an award-winning book author.

She specializes in how animal abuse links to family violence and as a result of her expertise, she is the Founder/CEO of Sheltering Animals & Families Together (SAF-T), a global initiative helping domestic violence shelters to create onsite pet housing.


allie phillips

About Allie Phillips

In her holistic energy business, she has 7 certifications and is a Master-Teacher energy healer, health coach, and essential oil expert for people and pets. She is the author of The Oily Pet and The Oily Crystal, the go-to books in the essential oil community. She believes in empowering people with education that is well-researched, and easy to understand and implement. Her passion is blending all of her expertise together as a Holistic Wellness Coach to help people and pets stay well and thrive in our changing world. She is most known for her understanding of cats but loves helping all animal companions and shelter pets because for those of us who have them grace our worlds, they are our soul mates.

Allie’s Advice:

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”

What is Allie Reading now?

She always has a stack of about ten books she working on. She likes anything by John Maxwell and any Energy Medicine Books and Vibration Wellness Books she can find.

Find Allie’s books here:

The Oily Pet   

Allie Phillips                                                                                   












The Oily Crystal

allie phillips


Connect with Allie here:

Manifested Harmony 


Facebook  @ManifestedHarmony

Instagram @Allie.Cat.Alyst

YouTube – ManifestedHarmony

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